Friday, February 5, 2010

KIT Fx - Week 6 Vegetables-Orange

Week 6 – Vegetables-Orange
As in most families, my kids are very different in what they like and dislike when it comes to food. My daughter tends to be the picky one, and my son will eat just about anything you place in front of him. Back when they were babies, in the days when baby food in a jar was your only option, I used to cook fresh vegetables, then puree and freeze them in ice cube trays. I would defrost/warm them as needed and my kids grew up loving every vegetable I presented. Then one day, the first day of kindergarten for Squid, she came home and exclaimed “Mom! This girl had the most wonderful lunch. It was peanut butter and jelly…” (which she had before, but this was not fresh ground peanuts ground served with all-fruit as she was accustomed to) “… and it was on this thing called WHITE BREAD. And you can get it at Kroger!” Yes, my 4 year old daughter was telling me about this new invention and where I could buy it. So needless to say, she turned to the dark side and became picky but is now a teen and liking more healthy food than ever before… preferably followed by something fat & sugary  :)

One thing I learned when they were young is their tastes will change over time. Another thing I learned is more often than not it’s the texture, not necessarily the taste, which kids dislike. So my advice to parents is to reintroduce a food that was previously turned down at a later time and you may want to prepare or serve it in a different fashion. For example, my daughter dislikes sliced tomatoes but will eat tomatoes in a spaghetti sauce.

KIT Fx - Week 6: Eat the recommended amount of Orange Vegetables

Based on the previously mentioned daily recommendation, most kids should get about 1/2-2 cups of orange vegetables per week, adults about 2 cups per week.

Orange vegetables contain a high amount of vitamins A & C which along with fiber are good for your skin, eyes and heart. We grew up with the knowledge that carrots are good for our eyes and now we learn it’s also good for our skin. Yes, ladies, the hundreds of dollars you are spending on serums for “anti-aging” benefits can also be obtained from eating foods rich in the same vitamins you are slathering on your face!

Examples of Orange Vegetables - acorn squash, butternut squash, carrots, pumpkin & sweet potatoes

Pick 2-3 vegetables you and your family will enjoy and incorporate them into your daily diet. Divide the recommended intake for each of you over the week. Here is an example using Butternut squash & carrots being added to last week’s green veggie example:

Monday – (lunch) Raw Carrot sticks, (dinner) Spinach salad
Tuesday – (dinner) Roasted or grilled Butternut squash
Wednesday – (dinner) Steamed Broccoli
Thursday - (dinner) Leftover roasted Butternut squash mixed into Risotto!
Friday – (lunch) Romaine salad
Saturday – (dinner) Stir Fry w/Broccoli
Sunday – (dinner) Spaghetti sauce made w/ Grated Carrot

Remember to be experimental as you never know what your family will like. I also enjoy not letting them know what it is until they exclaim “mmmmm…. This is good. What is it?”  :)

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